Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Seeing Friends

We are off to see friends tonight and visit.  Seems almost like an obscure thing anymore.  Who, nowadays, go off to ‘visit’ people?

When I was growing up, it was nothing to jump in the car on a Saturday night and take a drive to one of our aunts and uncles homes to ‘visit.’  Normally, the visit was unannounced.  We just showed up.  If they were there, great, if not, that was ok too.  If we went to our one set of cousins (three boys) we would get to play with their cool boy stuff (we had three girls), which was always fun.  Or we would quietly play in the other room while the folks and relatives talked.

As we got a bit older, we were allowed to sit and watch the adults play cards.  I recall sitting in amazement as they held the cards in their hands, studied the cards, re-arranged the cards by color and shape of the diamonds, spades, etc.  They allowed us to pull out a card and lay it on the pile.  They coached us in how to play cards (pitch was the game most often played).  By allowing us to be a part of this, they brought us into the fold, nurtured us and helped to mold us. 

Oh you say, how is that?  They taught us to not get upset with each other, and to remember it was only a game and they made it fun.  They made sure we knew it was a way that people got together, visited and had fun together. 

Those evenings still bring back wonderful members.  Seems like Aunt Marie or Auntie Barb would always have some kind of cake on hand, or cookies for a snack. 

In today’s world, it seems like we have less, and less time to just sit and visit with people.  That age old practice is dying.  People are still connected, but by means of social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, text messages, cell phones and such.  When it comes to face-to-face communication, they seem to be lost unless they have their phones in their hands and looking at it every ten seconds.

As parents, we need to set a better example to our youth on the qualities on how to visit with people.  The need to connect with each other on a personal level and stay connected. 


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Purging - its good for YOU!

The PURGING has begun.

Even though it is hotter-than-hell here in the Midwest, the work continues.  There is always something going on at our house.  Which is the way we like it I guess.  J

We have been remodeling/updating the house for quite some time.  Not fast enough from some people’s schedule, but it works for ours.  As such, things are a bit disordered in the house.  This comes primarily from our general contractor – our 19 year old son, Mark.  But we love him and he is working cheap and he does good work – when he does it. 

The church made an announcement that they were having a garage/rummage sale.  That was enough to give us the kick-in-the-butt we needed.  Bob-O (spouse) tackled the garage. 

You know how you need to be in the right mood to really get rid of stuff??  Well, he was on Sunday.  Out went the sporting good storage rack, the balls, bats, gloves, soccer equipment and tennis rackets. 

Out went the blow up water surfer thingy that we bought to take “up North” about five years ago when we used to go fishing in the Iron Range of Minnesota – but we never quite seemed to have room for it in the SUV.  Out went almost all of the camping equipment, tents, cookware, chairs etc. 

We loaded up the SUV right away, so it would be ready for me to take down to the church on Monday night.  I am still hopeful we can round up additional items for the garage sale, as we need to move out more items from the house.  As they say, ‘less is more.’ 

Purging lightens your load on both a personal and spiritual level.  We put too much attachment on THINGS and not enough attachment to people and memories. 

It was also a time to realize that we are just not as young as we once were.  We do not want to sleep on the ground outside anymore in a tent.  If we go camping again, it will be in a camping trailer of some kind.  We have developed certain aches and pains that come with age. 

So wish me luck tonight with my continued purging around the house.  I need to lighten my load even more. 



Let me first say Hello and welcome to my blog spot.  I have always wanted one and an outlet for my hobbies, thoughts and such.


Last night we went to see Batma, The Dark Knight Rises.  Although it is a good movie, I did feel, once or twice, a bit of ... what if an intruder came into the theater right now and started shooting??

As with all of us, the recent events of the Aurora theater shootings remain on the minds of many people.  Could it happen in my community?  Why did it happen?  What can we do as a community/society to prevent this from happening again? Should we look at strengthening and maybe changing gun laws? 

All good and reasonable questions.   In checking on facebook and other social media outlets, the sides seem to be draw already.  Those in favor of keeping the same status quo, and those in favor of seeking some change, or at the very least coming together to at least discuss the matter.

Growing up on the farm in Iowa, we always had guns.  We needed them for predators.  I recall one particular event, when we had wild coyotes that ran in packs with wild dogs.  A coyote was under the corn crib and dad told my twin sister and I to stand, one at each end of the crib, and not that that coyote out.  He ran to the house and got the gun.  Well, in that length of time, the coyote decided to make its move -- and out he came a runnin' -- right at me.  What did I have to stop him with - nothing!  He made tracks and went back out into the countryside.