Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Let me first say Hello and welcome to my blog spot.  I have always wanted one and an outlet for my hobbies, thoughts and such.


Last night we went to see Batma, The Dark Knight Rises.  Although it is a good movie, I did feel, once or twice, a bit of ... what if an intruder came into the theater right now and started shooting??

As with all of us, the recent events of the Aurora theater shootings remain on the minds of many people.  Could it happen in my community?  Why did it happen?  What can we do as a community/society to prevent this from happening again? Should we look at strengthening and maybe changing gun laws? 

All good and reasonable questions.   In checking on facebook and other social media outlets, the sides seem to be draw already.  Those in favor of keeping the same status quo, and those in favor of seeking some change, or at the very least coming together to at least discuss the matter.

Growing up on the farm in Iowa, we always had guns.  We needed them for predators.  I recall one particular event, when we had wild coyotes that ran in packs with wild dogs.  A coyote was under the corn crib and dad told my twin sister and I to stand, one at each end of the crib, and not that that coyote out.  He ran to the house and got the gun.  Well, in that length of time, the coyote decided to make its move -- and out he came a runnin' -- right at me.  What did I have to stop him with - nothing!  He made tracks and went back out into the countryside.

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